Upcoming Events & Workshops

Discover upcoming group therapy and workshop events below:

Past Events & Workshops

Separation/Divorce: Helping Therapists Navigate the Terrain
July 14, 2023
The Dissolution of Relationships
June 2021
Training Institute for Mental Health Practitioners.
The Traumatic Impact of the Dissolution of the Family: An InterDisciplinary Approach
November 2021
The New York Woman’s Bar Association
Early Marriage Workshops
January 2020
LouAnn Smith, LCSW and Rita Gazarik, LCSW have developed 3 “early marriage” workshops-for couples-offered this fall. These are structured educational/ experiential workshops with reading and homework provided as an anchor. Couples can sign up for 1, 2 or 3 workshops.
Daughter Mother Project
June 2018
Daughter Mother Project team to work with Motherless Daughters NYC Chapter.
From Counseling to Divorce; Options for Referring Separating Couples
November 1st, 2018
Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy
March 12, 2018
92nd Street YMHA
Apologizing and Forgiveness: Understand Why “I’m Sorry” Is So Important.
Being hurt and hurting another person are inevitable, and society has often taught us that apologizing is the right thing to do. But why?
Psychotherapist LouAnn Smith, LCSW, facilitates a discussion about what an apology is, why it is so sought after yet so difficult to give or accept, and how it affects relationships.