Psychotherapy Services

How Can I Support You?

However you’re feeling, whatever you’re struggling with: I’m here to support you. My training is grounded in developmental and psychoanalytic theory, but my services are diverse and include a range of modalities. I offer sessions for individuals, couples, families, and groups.

It is possible to live an authentic life with purpose and joy. If you’re ready to create the most effective and efficient way to move forward so you can thrive, I’m here to help.

Explore my services below to learn more about how we can work together.

Individual Therapy & EMDR

We will discuss the areas of your life that create challenges and distress. Events from the past might influence and/or contribute to the “now.” We will talk about all of it and explore paths forward.


Your daily routine; medical conditions/issues, sleep cycle, exercise, nutrition, relationship(s), work satisfaction, and finances contribute to how you feel, manage stress and ultimately, make decisions.

Reading and journaling are often helpful ways to connect differently to your experience. I will readily recommend any resources, books, articles, films that may illuminate a new perspective relevant to a problem you are discussing. As the how and the why become known and understood, change and growth becomes possible.

I will formulate a beginning recommendation and suggest an initial plan, inviting your feedback and collaboration. We will consider together the most effective and efficient way to progress.

Although EMDR is used primarily to treat trauma and experiences of multiple loss and disappointment, I sometimes also use EMDR as an adjunct to talk therapy.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) uses tapping to create bilateral brain stimulation; enabling people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.

With EMDR therapy, the mind heals from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma.

Communication with anyone on your behalf occurs only with discussion and written consent from you.

Couple Therapy

I teach couples how to get beyond impasses and de-escalate the negative cycle of anger toward effective and loving communication.

I bring depth and sensitivity to the conversation of your relationship. I help couples update the narratives of self and other with new perspective and compassion. When couples create new ways of experiencing the other; understanding and empathy can often provide a path forward while resetting connections.

I work with all types of couples: couples exploring cohabitation and marriage as well as couples exploring separation. I work with heterosexual and gay couples, couples trying to understand the impact of an affair, couples with sexual issues/dysfunction.

Sometimes issues relating to sexual intimacy are the presenting problem. I assess how sexual and emotional intimacy impacts the other. I listen and help with issues of desire and of “finding” the other; connecting with more authenticity. I assign homework as appropriate.

Communication with anyone on your behalf occurs only with discussion and written consent from you.

“The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time”

— Brene Brown

Family Mediation / Family Therapy

Mediation for the resolution of issues that arise in families.


As a neutral third party, I facilitate discussions that assist the participants to explore and find mutually acceptable solutions. Working with families and family subgroups is often about resetting connection. In one or a series of meetings, family members resolve disagreements and disputes around loss, money, medical issues, trusts and estates, family business and future planning.

Sex Therapy

Sex therapy is practiced both in individual and couple therapy.
I create a safe therapeutic environment to help you inquire about sexuality, sexual concerns and sexual behavior. I ask specific and targeted questions regarding experience, exposure, fantasy and physicality. I have experience working with the following presenting problems: sexual avoidance, low sexual desire, hypersexuality, difficulty achieving orgasm, erectile dysfunction, sexual compulsive behaviors, gender identity, sexual identity and medical issues impacting sexuality. I am curious about the emotional, situational and relational connection to the presenting sexual condition and will inquire about all of these feelings and factors. Often homework exercises will be suggested to be practiced individually or as a couple in the privacy of your home.

Sexual activity is never a part of your actual therapy session. To do so is a breach of ethics and in some states and provinces, is a crime.

“Ecstacy cannot last . . . but can carve a channel for something lasting.”

— E. M. Forster

Divorce Mediation

When a couple decides to separate/divorce, their dreams and plans for their future(s) have been crushed. Divorce has sometimes referred to as “death without a body” and after the loss of a spouse through death, divorce ranks second as one of life’s most stressful events.

Over 55% of first-time marriages in the United States result in divorce and over 70% of second-time marriages also end in divorce. Mediation is the least intrusive and most healing of the legal options to divorce.

Litigants in an adversarial process are 3 times more likely to return to court than participants in a mediated divorce.

Mediation is a tested, sensitive, intelligent approach to the resolution of separation, divorce and custody disputes. In mediation, the couple meets with a mediator (s) who raises all of the topics which need to be addressed and facilitates a discussion between the couple to reach a resolution. A constructive framework is provided that promotes separating/divorcing couples to make mutual decisions as they move from “opposing positions” to discussions and negotiations of “mutual interests”. Mediation is cost effective and allows a couple to begin to move forward separately. Even “high conflict” couples can begin to make agreements that will become part of a larger separation agreement, rather than having decisions imposed on them by a court. Except for specific regulations around child support and retirement contributions, court filing fees and a judge sign off; a couple dissolving their marriage through mediation can keep it private and create an agreement unique to them and the needs of their family.

I became a divorce and family mediator through witnessing the loss, heartache and unrelenting cycle of trauma that the legal process and events inflicted on my patients. As my patients lawyered up to “win all” in an adversarial fight filled with legal maneuvers, fear and drama- often lasting years, I received training in mediation. I learned that often cases that took years to resolve the first time around, ended up back in court again and again; that the battle in the marriage continued for years after- only in the domain of the court.

In my mediation practice, I mediate with attorney, Petra Maxwell, Esq. Together we each bring a unique perspective to the process. We are able to quickly problem solve issues to promote creative options for separating couples. Petra is able to draft the separation agreement and initiate the court filing on behalf of the couple; creating a cleaner, less intrusive process.

Daughter Mother Consultation and Therapy

I want to help daughters and mothers reveal their experiences so that they can move forward with a new connection.

The Daughter Mother Project began in 2006 with an interest in better understanding what fosters or hinders this relationship, and how to approach the work of rebuilding or enhancing this relationship.

Our approach includes an understanding that there are no perfect mothers, daughters or relationships – and that we all have a way in which we hold and tell our stories, our hurts, our disappointments, and our joys across cultures. We are interested in each individual’s experiences, dreams, values, secrets, and how these are shared or not by mother and daughter.

As a founding member of the Daughter Mother Project, I am proud of our evolving clinical focus. Some themes and follow up workshops that emerged from our research have been:

Leaving Home: Its Effects and After-Effects
Residual Anger, Unfinished Business and Painful Differences
Secrets & Conflicts – Changing Times, Roles and Identities
Mother Loss – in Childhood, Through Illness or Cut-offs
Unresolved Issues After Her Death
What My Mother Taught Me: Our Mother’s Lasting Legacies

If you are interested in this daughter-mother work, please think about the following:

Why are you interested in this work now?
How do you understand the nature of the difficulties you are having in this relationship?
If you could change one thing about your – mother – daughter – what would that be?
How do you think your life would be different if your relationship with your – mother – daughter – were better?

To set the frame, we may ask you each to complete a brief questionnaire. We may also suggest 2 individual sessions each before engaging in the joint work, and periodically may suggest additional individual sessions.

Please reference out team’s commentaries in a book compiled by Jay Falzone & Nancy HolsonDear Mom, It’s About Time I Told You to learn more about our work and philosophy.

To learn more about the other Daughter Mother Project Team, click the name to go to a brief bio.

Judi Price LCSW

Roberta Mariel Estar, PhD

Sydney Ratner, PhD; LCSW

Abby Strauss, LCSW

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.”

— George Santayana

Group Therapy

I run several cycles of group therapy and workshops covering topics such as:
dating & attachment style

mother/daughter relationships

daughters negotiating the mother inside

women and professional challenges

first born siblings


separating & divorcing

navigating commitment for couples

couples of sero-discordant HIV status

Clinical Supervision

I love to supervise those new to the field or new to practice areas of my expertise such as: working with families and family subgroups, couples and sexuality.


I appreciate that all of us bring our unique skills and talents to the work of being a therapist and I want to help each of my supervises build on these strengths. I also mentor my supervises on the ethical and business aspects of beginning their practice: policies, fee setting and creating a network of support.

I supervise and teach at both the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and The Training Institute for Mental Health Practioners – both located in NYC -as well as privately in my practice. I always include my supervisees on interesting workshops/conference available as well as articles and books that come my way.

Contact Me Or Request More Information

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LouAnn Smith Psychotherapy

Couple, Family, Group and Individual Therapy, Mediation & EMDR.

© Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved

My office is located at 113 University Place, directly south of Union Square. NYC